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3 Day Potty Training Pdf Download

3 Day Potty Training is a focused program in which you spend 3 consecutive days working to potty train your child.

I cannot guarantee that your child will be potty trained at the conclusion of the 3 days, but together we can make a valiant go of it.

My husband first laughed at me, then apologized when it actually worked

Hi lora,

I thought i just write to you and say thankyou for your book. Its day 4 now and my daughter jelena is out of nappies both day and night.

When i first bought the book my husband laughed at me and said that it wouldnt work, but last night he said that it was a good thing that i bought it.

I was planning to start traing her but didnt no how to go about it and your book helped me.

Again thank you so much for your help

* Your experience may vary

I was talking on the phone when my son said, 'mommy I want to go potty!'

Today is Day #3 of Potty Training. During my 'quiet time' this morning I prayed specifically that today would be the day that it 'clicks' with William. It did.

We have had NO accidents' we have pooped in the potty TWICE and I've even been interrupted during a tension-filled phone conversation I was having with a dear friend with William wimpering loudly 'mommy I want to go potty!' '

His big sister is SOOOO proud of him - probably because every time he goes SHE also gets M and M candies to eat' just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Things are going well. If anyone needs advice on potty training don't come to me just go buy the ebook by Lora Jensen and be encouraged that your little one will be done with diapers in 3 days from now

* Your experience may vary

In the news: Lora Jensen's 3 Day Potty Training on ABC 6 Philadelphia (and ABC 13 Houston and ABC 7 Chicago and ABC 11 Raleigh and ABC 30 Fresno)

The 3 Day Potty Training ebook teaches you:

  • How to work with the child that has ZERO interest or motivation;
  • How to work with stubborn children;
  • How to address your child's fear of using the toilet;
  • How to get your child to actually go IN the toilet (pee and poop) when they are ON the toilet;
  • How to avoid the one mistake that will sabotoge your efforts to potty train in 3 days if you have already started potty training;
  • How to overcome and prevent constipation;
  • How travel with your newly potty trained child;
  • How to use public restrooms with your newly potty trained child;
  • How to correctly address night time accidents;
  • How to correctly address regression or relapses;
  • How to include your daycare provider in your potty training efforts;
  • How to get your child to tell you they have to go before they actually go;
  • How to work with an older child;
  • How to potty train twins and triplets;
  • How to potty train children with autism or who are speech-delayed;

... And What Exactly Is In The Ebook?

  • The signs of potty training readiness
  • A complete list of everything you'll need prior to beginning potty training
  • Clear instructions for day 1, day 2, day 3 and beyond
  • Suggestions for making the potty training period a special, bonding time with Mommy and Daddy
  • What to expect, what's "normal" behavior, and how to keep your cool during the challenging potty training period
  • Instructions and strategies for dealing with bowel movement challenges such as constipation or fear of using the toilet
  • Instructions for nighttime training, including a system to help older children get through without accidents
  • A list of answers to common questions posed by previous potty training moms and dads
  • Tips for getting your daycare provider on board with the potty training plan
  • How to travel with a newly potty trained toddler, deal with public restroom challenges, plan ahead for swim days, outside play, etc.
  • Strategies for treating regression
  • Instructions for potty training twins and triplets
  • Instructions for potty training children with autism or who are speech-delayed

Potty Training Questions

"Can You Guarantee That This Will Work in 3 Days?"

No, but if you are like me, then you like being pleasantly surprised. Besides, if you ever run into problems, you can log into the helpdesk here on this site and ask me potty training questions for as long as you need - this child or 2 more from now.

"I've already started potty training. Can I Still Use Your Method?"

Yes. When you use my method, you drastically reduce the amount of time you spend toilet training so you can be completely done, once and for all.

"Do I Have To Buy Any Specialized Products?"

No, you do not have to purchase any potty training dolls or gadgets.

"Does This Work On Stubborn Children?"

Absolutely. 3 Day Potty Training is very accommodating of child temperaments. How you work with a stubborn child is the same as how you work with any other child. You will not have a tug-of-war with your child.

"Will This Be Stressful On My Child? Will My Child Feel Pressured?"

No. My method is very nurturing. If you follow 3 Day Potty Training this will be a positive experience for your child. Your child will not feel pressured to perform correctly because you don't scold or punish the child when accidents happen.

"Does This Work For Both Boys And Girls?"

Yes. The principles and method do not favor one gender over the other.

"Will my child have to run around naked for 3 months?"

No. I do not recommend that you let your child run around the house naked (or bottomless) - not even for one day.

"Is the ebook a quick read?"

Yes. Be prepared to spend 45-60 minutes reading it the first time.

"Every child is different. Will This Work For My Child?"

* Results may vary. The success stories and testimonials on this site should not be taken to mean that you will have the same results. 3 Day Potty Training is a focused program in which you spend 3 consecutive days working to potty train your child. I make no claim that your child will be potty trained in 3 days, but together we can make a valiant go of it.

My method accommodates children with a wide range of personalities, temperaments and developmental challenges. If you run into problems, one-on-one mentoring is available to help you and your child through this transition.

Included with your purchase is one-on-one support. I don't give just 1 or two sentence responses, but several paragraphs. You can read what other parents have said about this support on the testimonials page.

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